Saturday 3 September 2011

Basics and Uses of Cell Phone Jammers

When you dial a number, the signal first reaches the base station of the mobile server, and from the base station, the signal is transmitted to the destination number. So, what happens when the signal from the base station to a certain number is blocked? Is there any device to block the mobile phone communication? Yes, a cell phone jammer or cell phone blocker has been designed to block all the calls from and to your mobile.

What is a Cell Phone Jammer?

Cell phone jammer is a device that blocks the incoming and outgoing calls from your mobile by transmitting a low-power radio frequency signal that interrupts the communication between the mobile phone and the base station. The cell phone jammer kit, literally confuses and disrupts the decoding circuits that function in the mobile phone set. By doing this, the mobile phone assumes that there are no base stations operating nearby. There are two types of links through which mobile phone communication takes place. One is called as downlink communication and the other one is called as uplink communication.
  • In downlink communication, the signal travels from the base station (cell phone tower) to the mobile phone.
  • In uplink communication, the mobile phone sends the signal to the base station.
So, when the cell phone jammer is enabled, the radio link between the mobile phone and the base station is lost, due to which, your mobile phone LCD display will show, "No Service". The transmitting and receiving of the radio wave signals are operated using the antennas that are present in the cell phone jammers.

Electronic Components of a Cell Phone Jammer
  • Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO): This type of oscillator controls the output frequency by varying the input voltage supplied to it. The radio frequency signal which is aired to block the radio links, in order to prevent the calls to your mobile, is produced from the VCO.
  • Tuning Circuit: The voltage which is supplied to the VCO, is controlled by the tuning circuit.
  • Noise Generator: Frequency, which is used to block the network, is produced from the noise generator.
  • Radio Frequency Amplifier: The radio frequency output is amplified (gain stage) in the amplifier device.
Types of Cell Phone Jammers

The operating range of a cell phone jammer depends on the power capacity and area of the place, where it can be used. Basically, there are two types of cell phone jammer models. They are:
  • Low-power model: This type of model is designed to be used only in confined areas like hospitals, libraries, office, movie theaters, etc.
  • High-power model: High-power units can be used to cover areas between 20 to 200 meters.
Uses of a Cell Phone Jammer

Cell phone jammers can be used in certain places where cell phone usage is restricted, such as law enforcement facilities, government offices, rehabilitation centers, military areas, embassies, etc. The device can also be used in a local environment such as restaurants, temples, recording studios, lecture halls, etc. Even though cell phone jammers help to deal with your privacy issues, it is not yet legalized.

Owning a cell phone jammer is strictly illegal in countries like the United States. The Communications Act of 1934 and FCC (Federal Communications Commission) rules do not permit manufacturing and operation of the cell phone jammers, and also import and export of these devices are monitored strictly by the government agencies in the United States. The reason why FCC doesn't believe in legalizing these devices is because, what if emergency calls are blocked if the mobile phone jammers are enabled. If the rules are violated by any parties, they may be subjected to a fine of up to $11,000 for each violation or imprisonment for up to one year. So, keep in mind that the use of a jammer is illegal (meant for government or military purposes) and you certainly don't want to be busted up and made to pay the hefty fine.

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